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             AUSCERT External Security Bulletin Redistribution

        SUSE: Security update for rust, rust-cbindgen for embedded
                           openssl vulnerability
                               27 July 2020


        AusCERT Security Bulletin Summary

Product:           rust
Publisher:         SUSE
Operating System:  SUSE
Impact/Access:     Denial of Service -- Remote/Unauthenticated
Resolution:        Patch/Upgrade
CVE Names:         CVE-2020-1967  

Reference:         ESB-2020.1390

Original Bulletin: 

- --------------------------BEGIN INCLUDED TEXT--------------------

SUSE Security Update: Security update for rust, rust-cbindgen


Announcement ID:   SUSE-SU-2020:2041-1
Rating:            moderate
References:        #1115645 #1154817 #1173202
Cross-References:  CVE-2020-1967
Affected Products:
                   SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Development Tools 15-SP2
                   SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Development Tools 15-SP1

An update that solves one vulnerability and has two fixes is now available.


This update for rust, rust-cbindgen fixes the following issues:
rust was updated for use by Firefox 76ESR.

  o Fixed miscompilations with rustc 1.43 that lead to LTO failures (bsc#

Update to version 1.43.1

  o Updated openssl-src to 1.1.1g for CVE-2020-1967.
  o Fixed the stabilization of AVX-512 features.
  o Fixed `cargo package --list` not working with unpublished dependencies.

Update to version 1.43.0

  o Language:

  o Fixed using binary operations with `&{number}` (e.g. `&1.0`) not having the
    type inferred correctly.
  o Attributes such as `#[cfg()]` can now be used on `if` expressions.
  o Syntax only changes: * Allow `type Foo: Ord` syntactically. * Fuse
    associated and extern items up to defaultness. * Syntactically allow `self`
    in all `fn` contexts. * Merge `fn` syntax + cleanup item parsing. * `item`
    macro fragments can be interpolated into `trait`s, `impl`s, and `extern`
    blocks. For example, you may now write: ```rust macro_rules! mac_trait {
    ($i:item) => { trait T { $i } } } mac_trait! { fn foo() {} } ``` * These
    are still rejected *semantically*, so you will likely receive an error but
    these changes can be seen and parsed by macros and conditional compilation.

  o Compiler

  o You can now pass multiple lint flags to rustc to override the previous

For example; `rustc -D unused -A unused-variables` denies everything in the
`unused` lint group except `unused-variables` which is explicitly allowed.
However, passing `rustc -A unused-variables -D unused` denies everything in the
`unused` lint group **including** `unused-variables` since the allow flag is
specified before the deny flag (and therefore overridden).

  o rustc will now prefer your system MinGW libraries over its bundled
    libraries if they are available on `windows-gnu`.
  o rustc now buffers errors/warnings printed in JSON.


  o `Arc<[T; N]>`, `Box<[T; N]>`, and `Rc<[T; N]>`, now implement `TryFrom >`,
    `TryFrom >`, and `TryFrom >` respectively. **Note** These conversions are
    only available when `N` is `0..=32`.
  o You can now use associated constants on floats and integers directly,
    rather than having to import the module. e.g. You can now write `u32::MAX`
    or `f32::NAN` with no imports.
  o `u8::is_ascii` is now `const`.
  o `String` now implements `AsMut `.
  o Added the `primitive` module to `std` and `core`. This module reexports
    Rust's primitive types. This is mainly useful in macros where you want
    avoid these types being shadowed.
  o Relaxed some of the trait bounds on `HashMap` and `HashSet`.
  o `string::FromUtf8Error` now implements `Clone + Eq`.

  o Stabilized APIs

  o `Once::is_completed`
  o `f32::LOG10_2`
  o `f32::LOG2_10`
  o `f64::LOG10_2`
  o `f64::LOG2_10`
  o `iter::once_with`

  o Cargo

- - You can now set config `[profile]`s in your `.cargo/config`, or through your
environment. - Cargo will now set `CARGO_BIN_EXE_ ` pointing to a binary's
executable path when running integration tests or benchmarks. ` ` is the name
of your binary as-is e.g. If you wanted the executable path for a binary named
`my-program`you would use `env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_my-program")`.

  o Misc

- - Certain checks in the `const_err` lint were deemed unrelated to const
evaluation, and have been moved to the `unconditional_panic` and
`arithmetic_overflow` lints.

  o Compatibility Notes

- - Having trailing syntax in the `assert!` macro is now a hard error. This has
been a warning since 1.36.0. - Fixed `Self` not having the correctly inferred
type. This incorrectly led to some instances being accepted, and now correctly
emits a hard error.
Update to version 1.42.0:

  o Language

- - You can now use the slice pattern syntax with subslices. - You can now use #
[repr(transparent)] on univariant enums. Meaning that you can create an enum
that has the exact layout and ABI of the type it contains. - There are some
syntax-only changes:
* default is syntactically allowed before items in trait definitions. * Items
in impls (i.e. consts, types, and fns) may syntactically leave out their bodies
in favor of ;. * Bounds on associated types in impls are now syntactically
allowed (e.g. type Foo: Ord;). * ... (the C-variadic type) may occur
syntactically directly as the type of any function parameter. These are still
rejected semantically, so you will likely receive an error but these changes
can be seen and parsed by procedural macros and conditional compilation.

  o Compiler

- - Added tier 2 support for armv7a-none-eabi. - Added tier 2 support for
riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu. - Option::{expect,unwrap} and Result::{expect,
expect_err, unwrap, unwrap_err} now produce panic messages pointing to the
location where they were called, rather than core's internals. Refer to Rust's
platform support page for more information on Rust's tiered platform support.

  o Libraries

- - iter::Empty now implements Send and Sync for any T. - Pin::{map_unchecked,
map_unchecked_mut} no longer require the return type to implement Sized. -
io::Cursor now derives PartialEq and Eq. - Layout::new is now const. - Added
Standard Library support for riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu.

  o Stabilized APIs

- - CondVar::wait_while - CondVar::wait_timeout_while - DebugMap::key -
DebugMap::value - ManuallyDrop::take - matches! - ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut
- - ptr::slice_from_raw_parts

  o Cargo

- - You no longer need to include extern crate proc_macro; to be able to use
proc_macro; in the 2018 edition.

  o Compatibility Notes

- - Error::description has been deprecated, and its use will now produce a
warning. It's recommended to use Display/to_string instead.
Update to version 1.41.1:
- - Always check types of static items - Always check lifetime bounds of `Copy`
impls - Fix miscompilation in callers of `Layout::repeat`
Update to version 1.41.0:

  o Language

- - You can now pass type parameters to foreign items when implementing traits.
E.g. You can now write `impl From for Vec {}`. - You can now arbitrarily nest
receiver types in the `self` position. E.g. you can now write `fn foo(self: Box
>) {}`. Previously only `Self`, `&Self;`, `&mut; Self`, `Arc `, `Rc `, and `Box
` were allowed. - You can now use any valid identifier in a `format_args`
macro. Previously identifiers starting with an underscore were not allowed. -
Visibility modifiers (e.g. `pub`) are now syntactically allowed on trait items
and enum variants. These are still rejected semantically, but can be seen and
parsed by procedural macros and conditional compilation.

  o Compiler

- - Rustc will now warn if you have unused loop `'label`s. - Removed support for
the `i686-unknown-dragonfly` target. - Added tier 3 support\* for the
`riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu` target. - You can now pass an arguments file
passing the `@path` syntax to rustc. Note that the format differs somewhat from
what is found in other tooling; please see the documentation for more
information. - You can now provide `--extern` flag without a path, indicating
that it is available from the search path or specified with an `-L` flag.
Refer to Rust's [platform support page][forge-platform-support] for more
information on Rust's tiered platform support.

  o Libraries

- - The `core::panic` module is now stable. It was already stable through `std`.
- - `NonZero*` numerics now implement `From ` if it's a smaller integer width.
E.g. `NonZeroU16` now implements `From `. - `MaybeUninit ` now implements

  o Stabilized APIs

- - `Result::map_or` - `Result::map_or_else` - `std::rc::Weak::weak_count` -
`std::rc::Weak::strong_count` - `std::sync::Weak::weak_count` -

  o Cargo

- - Cargo will now document all the private items for binary crates by default. -
`cargo-install` will now reinstall the package if it detects that it is out of
date. - Cargo.lock now uses a more git friendly format that should help to
reduce merge conflicts. - You can now override specific dependencies's build
settings. E.g. `[profile.dev.package.image] opt-level = 2` sets the `image`
crate's optimisation level to `2` for debug builds. You can also use `[profile.
.build-override]` to override build scripts and their dependencies.

  o Misc

- - You can now specify `edition` in documentation code blocks to compile the
block for that edition. E.g. `edition2018` tells rustdoc that the code sample
should be compiled the 2018 edition of Rust. - You can now provide custom
themes to rustdoc with `--theme`, and check the current theme with
`--check-theme`. - You can use `#[cfg(doc)]` to compile an item when building

  o Compatibility Notes

- - As previously announced 1.41.0 will be the last tier 1 release for 32-bit
Apple targets. This means that the source code is still available to build, but
the targets are no longer being tested and release binaries for those platforms
will no longer be distributed by the Rust project. Please refer to the linked
blog post for more information.

  o Bump version of libssh2 for SLE15; we now need a version with
    libssh2_userauth_publickey_frommemory(), which appeared in libssh2 1.6.0.

Update to version 1.40.0

  o Language

- - You can now use tuple `struct`s and tuple `enum` variant's constructors in
`const` contexts. e.g. pub struct Point(i32, i32); const ORIGIN: Point = { let
constructor = Point; constructor(0, 0) }; - You can now mark `struct`s, `enum
`s, and `enum` variants with the `#[non_exhaustive]` attribute to indicate that
there may be variants or fields added in the future. For example this requires
adding a wild-card branch (`_ => {}`) to any match statements on a
non-exhaustive `enum`. - You can now use function-like procedural macros in
`extern` blocks and in type positions. e.g. `type Generated = macro!();` -
Function-like and attribute procedural macros can now emit `macro_rules!`
items, so you can now have your macros generate macros. - The `meta` pattern
matcher in `macro_rules!` now correctly matches the modern attribute syntax.
For example `(#[$m:meta])` now matches `#[attr]`, `#[attr{tokens}]`, `#[attr
[tokens]]`, and `#[attr(tokens)]`.

  o Compiler

- - Added tier 3 support\* for the `thumbv7neon-unknown-linux-musleabihf` target.
- - Added tier 3 support for the `aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat` target. - Added
tier 3 support for the `mips64-unknown-linux-muslabi64`, and
`mips64el-unknown-linux-muslabi64` targets.

  o Libraries

- - The `is_power_of_two` method on unsigned numeric types is now a `const`

  o Stabilized APIs

- - BTreeMap::get_key_value - HashMap::get_key_value - Option::as_deref_mut -
Option::as_deref - Option::flatten - UdpSocket::peer_addr - f32::to_be_bytes -
f32::to_le_bytes - f32::to_ne_bytes - f64::to_be_bytes - f64::to_le_bytes -
f64::to_ne_bytes - f32::from_be_bytes - f32::from_le_bytes - f32::from_ne_bytes
- - f64::from_be_bytes - f64::from_le_bytes - f64::from_ne_bytes - mem::take -
slice::repeat - todo!

  o Cargo

- - Cargo will now always display warnings, rather than only on fresh builds. -
Feature flags (except `--all-features`) passed to a virtual workspace will now
produce an error. Previously these flags were ignored. - You can now publish
`dev-dependencies` without including a `version`.

  o Misc

- - You can now specify the `#[cfg(doctest)]` attribute to include an item only
when running documentation tests with `rustdoc`.

  o Compatibility Notes

- - As previously announced, any previous NLL warnings in the 2015 edition are
now hard errors. - The `include!` macro will now warn if it failed to include
the entire file. The `include!` macro unintentionally only includes the first
_expression_ in a file, and this can be unintuitive. This will become either a
hard error in a future release, or the behavior may be fixed to include all
expressions as expected. - Using `#[inline]` on function prototypes and consts
now emits a warning under `unused_attribute` lint. Using `#[inline]` anywhere
else inside traits or `extern` blocks now correctly emits a hard error.
Update to version 1.39.0

  o Language

- - You can now create async functions and blocks with async fn, async move {},
and async {} respectively, and you can now call .await on async expressions. -
You can now use certain attributes on function, closure, and function pointer
parameters. - You can now take shared references to bind-by-move patterns in
the if guards of match arms.

  o Compiler

- - Added tier 3 support for the i686-unknown-uefi target. - Added tier 3 support
for the sparc64-unknown-openbsd target. - rustc will now trim code snippets in
diagnostics to fit in your terminal. - You can now pass --show-output argument
to test binaries to print the output of successful tests.

  o For more details:

- -11-07

- --------------------------END INCLUDED TEXT--------------------

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and we will forward your request to the appropriate person.

NOTE: Third Party Rights
This security bulletin is provided as a service to AusCERT's members.  As
AusCERT did not write the document quoted above, AusCERT has had no control
over its content. The decision to follow or act on information or advice
contained in this security bulletin is the responsibility of each user or
organisation, and should be considered in accordance with your organisation's
site policies and procedures. AusCERT takes no responsibility for consequences
which may arise from following or acting on information or advice contained in
this security bulletin.

NOTE: This is only the original release of the security bulletin.  It may
not be updated when updates to the original are made.  If downloading at
a later date, it is recommended that the bulletin is retrieved directly
from the author's website to ensure that the information is still current.

Contact information for the authors of the original document is included
in the Security Bulletin above.  If you have any questions or need further
information, please contact them directly.

Previous advisories and external security bulletins can be retrieved from:


Australian Computer Emergency Response Team
The University of Queensland
Qld 4072

Internet Email: auscert@auscert.org.au
Facsimile:      (07) 3365 7031
Telephone:      (07) 3365 4417 (International: +61 7 3365 4417)
                AusCERT personnel answer during Queensland business hours
                which are GMT+10:00 (AEST).
                On call after hours for member emergencies only.
Comment: http://www.auscert.org.au/render.html?it=1967
