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             AUSCERT External Security Bulletin Redistribution

                       Intel NUC Laptop Kit Advisory
                               10 July 2023


        AusCERT Security Bulletin Summary

Product:           Intel NUC Laptop Kits
Publisher:         Intel
Operating System:  Windows
                   UNIX variants (UNIX, Linux, OSX)
Resolution:        Patch/Upgrade
CVE Names:         CVE-2022-34488 CVE-2022-34345 CVE-2022-33209
                   CVE-2022-32579 CVE-2022-28858 CVE-2022-27493

Original Bulletin: 

Revision History:  July   10 2023: Vendor updated affected products and recommendations
                   August 10 2022: Initial Release

- --------------------------BEGIN INCLUDED TEXT--------------------

Intel ID:                 INTEL-SA-00712
Advisory Category:        Firmware
Impact of vulnerability : Escalation of Privilege
Severity rating :         HIGH
Original release:         08/09/2022
Last revised:             07/07/2023


Potential security vulnerabilities in some Intel NUC Laptop Kits may allow
escalation of privilege. Intel is releasing firmware updates to mitigate these
potential vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability Details:

CVEID: CVE-2022-28858

Description: Improper buffer restriction in the firmware for some Intel(R) NUC
Laptop Kits before version BC0076 may allow a privileged user to potentially
enable escalation of privilege via local access.

CVSS Base Score: 8.2 High


CVEID: CVE-2022-33209

Description: Improper input validation in the firmware for some Intel(R) NUC
Laptop Kits before version BC0076 may allow a privileged user to potentially
enable escalation of privilege via local access.

CVSS Base Score: 8.2 High


CVEID: CVE-2022-27493

Description: Improper initialization in the firmware for some Intel(R) NUC
Laptop Kits before version BC0076 may allow a privileged user to potentially
enable an escalation of privilege via local access.

CVSS Base Score: 7.5 High


CVEID: CVE-2022-34488

Description: Improper buffer restrictions in the firmware for some Intel(R) NUC
Laptop Kits before version BC0076 may allow a privileged user to potentially
enable escalation of privilege via local access.

CVSS Base Score: 7.5 High


CVEID: CVE-2022-32579

Description: Improper initialization in the firmware for some Intel(R) NUC
Laptop Kits before version BC0076 may allow a privileged user to potentially
enable escalation of privilege via physical access.

CVSS Base Score: 6.9 Medium


CVEID: CVE-2022-34345

Description: Improper input validation in the firmware for some Intel(R) NUC
Laptop Kits before version BC0076 may allow a privileged user to potentially
enable escalation of privilege via physical access.

CVSS Base Score: 6.9 Medium


Affected Products:

|Product                            |Download Link   |CVE ID            |
|Intel NUC Rugged Kit: NUC8CCHB,    |CHAPLCEL        |CVE-2022-33209    |
|NUC8CCHBN, NUC8CCHKRN, NUC8CCHKR.  |                |CVE-2022-34488    |
|Intel NUC Laptop Kit:              |KCTGL357        |CVE-2022-33209    |
|LAPKC51E, LAPKC71E                 |                |CVE-2022-32579    |
|LAPKC71F.                          |                |CVE-2022-34345    |
|                                   |                |CVE-2022-34488    |
|Intel NUC 11 Performance Kit, Intel|PATGL357        |CVE-2022-33209    |
|NUC 11 Performance Mini PC:        |                |                  |
|                                   |                |                  |
|NUC11PAHi3, NUC11PAHi30Z,          |                |                  |
|NUC11PAKi3.                        |                |                  |
|                                   |                |                  |
|NUC11PAHi5, NUC11PAHi50Z,          |                |                  |
|NUC11PAKi5, NUC11PAQi50WA.         |                |                  |
|                                   |                |                  |
|NUC11PAHi7, NUC11PAHi70Z,          |                |                  |
|NUC11PAKi7, NUC11PAQi70QA.         |                |                  |
|Intel NUC Pro Compute Element:     |QNCFLX70        |CVE-2022-33209    |
|NUC9V7QNB, NUC9V7QNX,              |                |CVE-2022-34488    |
|NUC9VXQNB, NUC9VXQNX.              |                |                  |
|Intel NUC 8 Compute Element:       |CBWHL357        |CVE-2022-33209    |
|CM8i3CB4N, CM8i5CB8N,              |                |CVE-2022-34345    |
|CM8i7CB8N, CM8CCB4R,               |                |CVE-2022-34488    |
|CM8PCB4R.                          |                |                  |
|Intel NUC:                         |PHTGL579        |CVE-2022-33209    |
|NUC11PHKi7C, NUC11PHKi7CAA.        |                |CVE-2022-32579    |
|                                   |                |CVE-2022-34345    |
|                                   |                |CVE-2022-34488    |
|Intel NUC Extreme Compute Element: |DBTGL579        |CVE-2022-33209    |
|NUC11BTMi7, NUC11DBBi7,            |                |CVE-2022-32579    |
|NUC11BTMi9, NUC11DBBi9.            |                |CVE-2022-34345    |
|                                   |                |CVE-2022-34488    |
|Intel NUC Laptop Kit:              |RCADL357        |CVE-2022-33209    |
|LAPRC510, LAPRC710.                |                |CVE-2022-32579    |
|                                   |                |CVE-2022-34345    |
|                                   |                |CVE-2022-34488    |
|Intel NUC Laptop Kit:              |BCTGL357        |CVE-2022-33209    |
|LAPBC510, LAPBC710.                |                |CVE-2022-27493    |
|                                   |                |CVE-2022-28858    |
|                                   |                |CVE-2022-32579    |
|                                   |                |CVE-2022-34345    |
|                                   |                |CVE-2022-34488    |
|Intel NUC Performance Kit          |FNCML357        |CVE-2022-33209    |
|Intel NUC Performance Mini PC:     |                |CVE-2022-32579    |
|NUC10i3FNH, NUC10i3FNHF,           |                |CVE-2022-34345    |
|NUC10i3FNHFA, NUC10i3FNHJA,        |                |CVE-2022-34488    |
|NUC10i3FNHN, NUC10i3FNK,           |                |                  |
|NUC10i3FNKN.                       |                |                  |
|                                   |                |                  |
|NUC10i5FNH, NUC10i5FNHCA,          |                |                  |
|NUC10i5FNHF, NUC10i5FNHJA,         |                |                  |
|NUC10i5FNHJ, NUC10i5FNHN,          |                |                  |
|NUC10i5FNK, NUC10i5FNKN,           |                |                  |
|NUC10i5FNKPA, NUC10i5FNKP.         |                |                  |
|                                   |                |                  |
|NUC10i7FNH, NUC10i7FNHAA,          |                |                  |
|NUC10i7FNHC, NUC10i7FNHJA,         |                |                  |
|NUC10i7FNHN, NUC10i7FNK,           |                |                  |
|NUC10i7FNKN, NUC10i7FNKP,          |                |                  |
|NUC10i7FNKPA.                      |                |                  |
|Intel NUC Extreme, Intel NUC 12    |EDADL579        |CVE-2022-33209    |
|Extreme Compute Element:           |                |CVE-2022-32579    |
|                                   |                |CVE-2022-34345    |
|NUC12DCMi7, NUC12EDBi7, NUC12DCMi9,|                |CVE-2022-34488    |
|NUC12EDBi9.                        |                |                  |
|Intel NUC 12 Compute Element:      |HBADL357        |CVE-2022-33209    |
|ELM12HBi3                          |                |CVE-2022-32579    |
|ELM12HBi5                          |                |CVE-2022-34488    |
|ELM12HBi7                          |                |                  |
|ELM12HBC                           |                |                  |
|Intel NUC Enthusiast:              |SNADL357        |CVE-2022-33209    |
|NUC12SNKi72, NUC12SNKi72VA         |                |                  |
|Intel NUC 11 Compute Element:      |EBTGL357        |CVE-2022-33209    |
|CM11EBi38W                         |                |CVE-2022-32579    |
|CM11EBi58W                         |                |CVE-2022-34488    |
|CM11EBi716W                        |                |                  |
|CM11EBC4W                          |                |                  |
|Intel NUC Pro Kit, Intel NUC Pro   |PNWHL357        |CVE-2022-33209    |
|Board:                             |                |CVE-2022-32579    |
|NUC8i3PNB, NUC8i3PNH               |                |CVE-2022-34345    |
|NUC8i3PNK                          |                |CVE-2022-34488    |
|Intel NUC Pro Board, Intel NUC Pro |WSADL357        |CVE-2022-33209    |
|Kit:                               |                |CVE-2022-34345    |
|NUC12WSBi3, NUC12WSBi30Z,          |                |CVE-2022-34488    |
|NUC12WSHi3, NUC12WSHi30L,          |                |                  |
|NUC12WSHi30Z, NUC12WSKi3,          |                |                  |
|NUC12WSKi30Z.                      |                |                  |
|                                   |                |                  |
|NUC12WSBi5, NUC12WSBi50Z,          |                |                  |
|NUC12WSHi5, NUC12WSHi50Z,          |                |                  |
|NUC12WSKi5, NUC12WSKi50Z,          |                |                  |
|                                   |                |                  |
|NUC12WSBi70Z, NUC12WSHi7,          |                |                  |
|NUC12WSHi70Z, NUC12WSKi7,          |                |                  |
|NUC12WSKi70Z.                      |                |                  |
|Intel NUC Boards:                  |TNTGL357        |CVE-2022-33209    |
|NUC11TNBi3, NUC11TNBi30Z,          |                |CVE-2022-32579    |
|NUC11TNHi3, NUC11TNHi30L,          |                |CVE-2022-34345    |
|NUC11TNHi30P, NUC11TNHi30Z,        |                |CVE-2022-34488    |
|NUC11TNKi3, NUC11TNKi30Z.          |                |                  |
|                                   |                |                  |
|NUC11TNBi5, NUC11TNBi50Z,          |                |                  |
|NUC11TNHi5, NUC11TNHi50L,          |                |                  |
|NUC11TNHi50W, NUC11TNHi50Z,        |                |                  |
|NUC11TNKi5, NUC11TNKi50Z.          |                |                  |
|                                   |                |                  |
|NUC11TNBi7, NUC11TNBi70Z,          |                |                  |
|NUC11TNHi7, NUC11TNHi70L,          |                |                  |
|NUC11TNHi70Q, NUC11TNHi70Z,        |                |                  |
|NUC11TNKi7, NUC11TNKi70Z.          |                |                  |
|Intel NUC Pro Kit, Intel NUC Pro   |TNTGLV57        |CVE-2022-33209    |
|Board, Intel NUC Pro Mini PC       |                |CVE-2022-32579    |
|NUC11TNKv50Z, NUC11TNHv70L,        |                |CVE-2022-34345    |
|NUC11TNHv50L, NUC11TNKv5.          |                |CVE-2022-34488    |
|                                   |                |                  |
|NUC11TNKv7, NUC11TNHv7, NUC11TNBv7,|                |                  |
|NUC11TNKv7.                        |                |                  |
|NUC11TNBv5, NUC11TNKv5, NUC11TNHv5.|                |                  |
|Intel NUC Essential:               |ATJSLCPX        |CVE-2022-33209    |
|NUC11ATBC4, NUC11ATKC2, NUC11ATKC2,|                |CVE-2022-32579    |
|NUC11ATKC4, NUC11ATKPE.            |                |CVE-2022-34345    |
|                                   |                |CVE-2022-34488    |
|Intel NUC Laptop Kits:             |ACADL357        |CVE-2022-32579    |
|LAPAC71H, LAPAC71G.                |                |CVE-2022-34345    |
|                                   |                |CVE-2022-34488    |
|Intel NUC 13 Extreme Kit:          |SBRPL579        |CVE-2022-34345    |
|NUC13RNGi5, NUC13RNGi7, NUC13RNGi9.|                |                  |
|                                   |                |                  |
|Intel NUC 13 Extreme Compute       |                |                  |
|Element:                           |                |                  |
|NUC13SBBi5, NUC13SBBi7, NUC13SBBi9.|                |                  |
|Intel NUC Kit, Intel NUC Mini PC   |INWHL357        |CVE-2022-34488    |
|NUC8i7INH, NUC8i5INH               |                |                  |
|NUC8i7INH, NUC8i5INH               |                |                  |


Intel recommends updating the affected Intel NUC BIOS firmware to the latest
version (see provided table above).

We encourage customers to guard against unauthorized access to their systems.


Intel would like to thank the Binarly efiXplorer team for reporting these

Intel, and nearly the entire technology industry, follows a disclosure practice
called Coordinated Disclosure, under which a cybersecurity vulnerability is
generally publicly disclosed only after mitigations are available.

Revision History

Revision  Date                            Description
1.0      08/09/  Initial Release
1.1      07/07/  Updated affected products table to include additional impacted
         2023    products. Updated recommendations.

- --------------------------END INCLUDED TEXT--------------------

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Australian Computer Emergency Response Team
The University of Queensland
Qld 4072

Internet Email: auscert@auscert.org.au
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                AusCERT personnel answer during Queensland business hours
                which are GMT+10:00 (AEST).
                On call after hours for member emergencies only.
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